Bullied at Work

I get bullied at work. This is my space for ranting about it. It's also somewhere for myself and others who are being bullied to share ideas on how to deal with bullies at work.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Creeping into bad habits again

'puh' is starting to get into bad habits again. I expected it and I'm trying not to over-react, but maybe it's time for me to report back to her manager on how we are doing...

It's small stuff, but then it always is... Like the idea she is so fixated on that my 'hours are down'. This is complete tripe, as can be seen by anyone who looks at the time I have registered through our computerised tracking system. Last time I looked I was projected to exceed my contact hours by about 200 hours ! Yet this morning when I discuss with her a time situation I am told I should probably do some work in an evening 'given my hours' situation. F**king incredible !

I'm frankly getting tired of being reasonable and rational where 'puh' is concerned. She is so linear it makes me scream. She gets an idea in her head and no matter how much evidence there is to show that her thinking is faulty on a subject she just keeps chunnering on regardless. She's been a little more guarded with her comments to me, but as I say she is starting to slide back into bad old habits.

I can't wait until I'm on holiday !

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Trap - BBC2 Documentary

I just wanted to flag up this excellent documentary to people. There are two more episodes to come, 9pm Sundays. This week's episode looked at how a simplistic model of human behaviour has come to dominate interpersonal relationship theory and practise in the Western world since the cold war. This horrendous, cynical theory purports that:

a) people who see themselves as working 'in the public interest' are dangerously unpredictable because there is no definition of what 'the public interest' might be, and therefore they are zealots and need to be eliminated from positions of power

b) the ideal employee is predictable, and therefore is the person who is motivated wholly and exclusively by self-interest, and who therefore can be manipulated through the use of 'incentives'

What a disgusting theory ! Yet how prevalent it's application has become !No wonder life is so miserable and governement and business management seems so detestably unethical presently ! The person who came up with this theory, and those who sold it to the world, should be taken out and flogged, in the public interest !

In the context of bullying at work it is easy to see how this policy of promoting the self interested feeds into an institutionalised form of bullying. The self-interested are more likely to behave in ways which are callous and unthinking simply because they are only interested in what benefit they can gain from a situation. That the basis of this theory is the corruption of the human spirit through the use of what are effectively bribes to 'get your own way' repulses me. Yet it is interesting to be made aware of it, so that contexualisation can be arrived at. We knew it, but now I understand it a bit more, thanks to the (imho frequently manipulative) BBC.

Friday, March 02, 2007

The importance of supporters

I am lucky, I have some very good friends. It occurs to me to thank those people, without whom this situation I find myself in would be far less endurable.

A, R, P and F I thank you wholeheartedly for being the wonderful and supportive people that you are. *HUGE HUGS*