Bullied at Work

I get bullied at work. This is my space for ranting about it. It's also somewhere for myself and others who are being bullied to share ideas on how to deal with bullies at work.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gnawing Tricks

I'm on holiday at present. I have had a mixed time off, since 'puh' managed to insert a 'Gnawing Trick' before I left work last week. A 'Gnawing Trick' is something that is done which stops you from switching off fully. In this case 'puh' had a meeting with me the day before she knew I was due for leave and set me an impossible deadline for a task for when I get back off my leave. Whether it's deliberate or not, it's a classic dirty trick.

I've tried not to let it bother me. But the fact that I've had to try indicates it worked, at least in part. It's a tactic 'puh' has used before, and I have been less stressed this time than I have been by previous incidents, mainly because I've had to recognise that it IS an impossible target and I AM going to fail to meet it, so why kill myself worrying about it ? So I've worried, but not to the same fever pitch of worrying I've let other Gnawing Tricks get me to.

I still hate the b*tch for the power I let her have over me. But then I am trying to be kinder to myself these days, so let's recognise that I've been conditioned to give that kind of power to her kind of people, and that I am gradually working my way out of that. Staying vigilant of your own thinking is a big task, but it's cheap for Life Insurance, which is what it amounts to for me.


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