Bullied at Work

I get bullied at work. This is my space for ranting about it. It's also somewhere for myself and others who are being bullied to share ideas on how to deal with bullies at work.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Two days in

I've been back at work two days now. 'puh' found me a load of jobs to do on top of my regular workload, but I'm getting on okay.

I've decided to log the work she asks me to do on top of my usual stuff, and to record the timescales, in order to know that I can refute any accusations of not doing stuff in a timely fashion, etc., if I need to. It's about 'bullyproofing' myself, as one of the books refers to it - reassuring myself that what 'puh' tells me about myself is not true; recovering my confidence in the face of her onslaught of half-truths and misinterpretations etc. The only trouble is that logging things is adding an extra job to my workload. *sigh*

The books are interesting. Very different from each other in tone, but both good. Not had time to read all that much as yet though. One thing they do both say is that most people eventually throw in the towel and leave the job where they are being bullied without taking any (effective?) action against the bully, and that kind of upsets me. I hate to think of bullies getting away with it. Walking away is good for you, but still leaves a toxic situation for the next poor sod who draws their fire. Self-preservation has to be the first consideration, I guess, but it still narks me to think of bullies continually getting away with it.

A friend suggested the other day that one ploy she had found worked was to praise the bully and say how much you value them, because it's insecurity that's at the base of their behaviour. Not sure I could bring myself to be that way with 'puh' though.


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