Bullied at Work

I get bullied at work. This is my space for ranting about it. It's also somewhere for myself and others who are being bullied to share ideas on how to deal with bullies at work.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I've just been browsing some other people's blogs, and came across a statement that makes me sigh:

"It's not only about the scholarships I bagged or the highest marks I scored...It is the credibility I have at my workplace that gives me a real high"

- Aparna Kar, The Variegated Sky, August 2005.

When you are being bullied at work you are denied many such positive feelings. Since she is my line manager, 'puh' makes me feel that I don't have any credibility at work, even though I know in my head that it isn't true. Experiencing bullying makes it about what you 'know' in your heart, and that 'knowing' is a distorted, corrupted thing the bully has managed to create and has caused you to believe. I thank my gods for having sought counselling, and for the skill my counsellor has in helping me recognise and unravel the things my heart has been made to believe that aren't mine and that aren't true about me.

I am a very staunch believer in counselling, and I recommend it to anyone who is experiencing bullying. You're not wonky, but some of your beliefs about yourself may be, thanks to your bully, so having someone help you question those beliefs is a really positive experience. Please try it.


At 7:20 AM, Blogger candid diary said...

I came here from the variegated sky.
Your blog is nicely maintained.
You are welcome to visit

At 2:23 AM, Blogger Aparna Ganguly said...

A lot of people get bullied at work..but very few dare to address the issue..

A very good effort in fact..

well done :)


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